10×15 Storage Unit

150 sqft Storage

Fit the contents of a 3 bedroom apartment.


Suitable for most furnishing and appliances

Approximate Dimensions

Width Depth Height
10ft 15ft 8ft
3m 4.5m 2.4m

What can you fit in a Storage Unit?

Most Appliances

150 sqft is a relatively good size to fit most of your home appliances such as refrigerator, washing machines, stoves, dishwashers, TV systems and other electronic devices.

Large-sized Furniture

You will have plenty of space to fit your lounge set sofa in this storage unit. Our 150 sqft storage units can also fit shelving units and many other furniture pieces.

Large Sports Equipment

So you got a gym membership now and you no longer use that threadmill. Store all your sports equipments. You can always retrieve them back since our units are 24/7 accessible.

Decor Items

Where do you keep your decor items when it’s out of season? You’ll need a place to store all your small CNY decorations, Halloween costumes and Christmas fairy lights.


We have well-wentilated spaces for your TV, DVR and photographic gear. Maybe store that old playstation you no longer use but too attached to throw away just yet…

Books and Magazines

We know that some of you have got an *cough* obsession with books and magazines. Instead of accumulating stacks of it at home, get a proper storage unit.

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